Dr. Lindsay Guest is an Acupuncture-Certified Chiropractor.
Acupuncture can be used to promote general health and well-being as well as help with specific conditions:
Digestive disorders: nausea, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, colitis
Ear, nose, mouth and throat disorders: toothaches, ringing in the ears, sore throat, TMJ
Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, asthma, skin rashes, allergies
Urinary and gynecological disorders: urinary incontinence, PMS, infertility, symptoms of menopause, irregular periods, painful periods, heavy bleeding, endometriosis, fibroids
Muscular disorders: neck pain, back pain, knee pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, bursitis and tendonitis, arthritis, sprains, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, tennis elbow; can also aid with rehabilitation for healing fractures, joint injuries and chronic pain
Neurological disorders: headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, vertigo, pain from shingles, peripheral neuropathy
Psycho-emotional disorders: stress and tension, anxiety, depression, insomnia
Relief of symptoms related to cancer treatments: including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Autoimmune Conditions: MS, Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid issues, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus
Fertility Support: natural fertility care, support to IUI/IVF, chronic miscarriage, impotence, low sperm count, low motility
Substance abuse and addictions: smoking cessation, alcohol & drug addiction
And many more conditions…
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are very tiny compared to a needle you might have had with an injection or an IV. Most people report no pain or very minimal sensation when the acupuncture needle is inserted. Some sensation your might experience during your acupuncture session is a good thing - it means it is working!
How many acupuncture sessions do I need to treat my condition?
Every patient and condition are different. Commonly, acute conditions (like severe back pain, neck pain or headache) will be treated 2-3 times in the first week followed by a weekly treatment. Some chronic conditions (arthritis, TMJ, digestive issues) will be one treatment a week and eventually once a month.
What all will my acupuncture session entail?
On your initial visit, Dr. Lindsay will discuss with you your condition and answer any questions or concerns. Depending on the condition, the acupuncture needles will be inserted on the necessary acupuncture points. It is recommended to wear shorts and loose clothing to your appointment. Each session will last from 10-20 minutes.